Rain guns are a type of irrigation system that are used to suppress dust in mining and other related operations. They consist of a pump set, high-pressure HDPE pipes, and a rain gun. The rain gun sprays water in intervals, which helps to keep the dust down. This makes rain guns an effective and economical way to control dust.
Rain guns can be either automatic or semi-automatic, depending on the needs of the operation. They are typically used for long range part-circle and haul roads. There are also special rain guns that are designed for use in stocks and handling plants, and at coal pit heads.
Here are some of the advantages of using rain guns for dust suppression:
Effective: Rain guns can effectively suppress dust, even in windy conditions.
Economical: Rain guns have a lower running cost than water tanker systems.
Versatile: Rain guns can be used for a variety of applications, including long range part-circle and haul roads, stocks and handling plants, and coal pit heads.
Easy to use: Rain guns are relatively easy to use and maintain.
If you are looking for an effective and economical way to control dust in mining and other related operations, then rain guns are a good option to consider.