although the majority of nitrogen fertilizers used in agriculture today are chemically synthesized to create nutrients like nitrates and ammonium, there’s growing interest in another type of nitrogen fertilizer: amino acids. these organic molecules are environmentally friendly, require far less energy to produce, can be entirely plant-derived, promote beneficial microbial activity and soil fertility, and are the most energy efficient form of nitrogen fertilizer for plants to use–ultimately leading to bigger, higher quality yields when properly implemented. but to understand how all of this is possible, it’s important to understand what amino acids are and how they can work as fertilizers.
amino acids in plants
like all living organisms, plants need amino acids to make proteins, which make up intra- and extracellular structures, regulate metabolic processes, and facilitate nutrient transport. amino acids can be taken up through the roots or directly through the stoma on the leaves. some examples of amino acids that are found in high quality, biostimulating fertilizers include
the trainer amino acid and plant growth regulator 400ml savers enterprise is a product of saver enterprise. the category is pesticides and subcategory is micro nutrients